I have missed this little place of freedom to write.
In a small way, it is a place to retreat and and a time of reflection for me.
My fall semester has begun and it is full speed ahead.
I went on vacation for a week to the keys and enjoyed a week of quiet, warm sunshine, and time with my family and fiance that I cherished.
Back to reality though however was harsh.
While I am truly loving all that I am doing in school (I will have to write about details soon), it seems as though it by far is my full time job and then some at the moment.
This last week involved work, clinical, class time, reports, reading, quizzes, and more reading.
I felt like I did nothing but run from one thing to the next.
The second I laid down each night I passed out.
This might be the point in the semester where reality has set in.
To be honest, a little more than overwhelming.
While I truly love what I am doing and have never been more certain that I'm where I need to be,
I also have felt the weight, responsibility, and challenge of what I am doing.
In my business this week I must admit, I have neglected a chance to be still. To be quiet. To refocus.
I have experienced anxiety about potential changes, and have worried about how I will do on upcoming assignments and tests in school. Free time has been consumed with homework.
So on Saturday night, with the week coming to a close I find myself reflecting on the week. I put away the homework for today and I've spent some time to just be quiet.
Things to take away from this week
I have so many things to be thankful for
God has provided my financial needs and the flexibility I need at my job
I shared a cup of coffee with a sweet friend who shared deep life changing issues with me, what an encouragement to see God working and what joy I find in God's healing power
I have an incredible learning opportunity with a great clinical preceptor this semester, and I have found total peace and confidence in this direction of my life
Answered prayers in Andrew and I's lives
Reminded of the promises found in Isaiah 43
It is my prayer that as the days continue to be long and busy, that I will not lose sight of the most important things in my life. In various ways right now, my faith is being made stronger daily.
"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, that my faith would made stronger in the presence of my savior."