
"I Want to Be Just Like Her"

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"She is clothed with strength and honor, and can laugh at the days to come."
Proverbs 31: 25

As I was reading through the bible I happened to come across a Proverb I have only heard bits and pieces of, but after reading this verse that captured my attention, I was intrigued to explore where this came from, and to really understand the meaning of the chapter as a whole.

The whole essence of this chapter is about the "virtuous woman."
Somewhat intimidating to read, or like reading something that you feel you'll never measure up to is honestly what I thought when I began to read.
However, in reading this description of the "virtuous woman" this is exactly the kind of person I want to be.

As I read through this chapter that described a woman of character, who is rare and hard to find, valuable and beautiful, and then it described everything she is for her husband and her family, I found myself smiling and praying that one day I can be all of these things.
Verse 25 captured my attention.

"She is clothed with strength and dignity"
This means she is covered with clothes that are not bought, but instead the Lord himself provides these to  the one with the believing heart. 
Beauty is also used in this context in place of the word honor.
Taking away all of the old (past mistakes, sins, regrets, everything we wish we could do all over again) and covering her in beauty and with confidence and strength.

& she can laugh at the days to come...
Another word used in place of laugh in this verse is 'rejoice'
throughout this chapter there is clear reference to the future or the time to come and this verse boldly states that this woman will be able to "laugh at the days to come" because she realizes that the future cannot hurt her and that the Lord has gone before her and she can have confidence in this.

This was a lot to take in.
But something that truly captured my attention, got me thinking, searching, and studying.

I am sitting at a place in life right now where all my previous blogs about waiting, wondering, and trying to live in confidence not fear, are things I struggle with everyday.
I am waiting for big answers right now.
To know the next move and all the details that will happen as I get ready to graduate in 18 short days.
I've never done this before.
The beauty of this verse is that, the bible depicts a woman of the Lord who's heart is searching for all that God has for her, knowing that it isn't easy and the world has given a completely different picture of who she should be, what's valuable, and often times looks past the beauty of who God truly created us as ladies to be. 

While I am in this "waiting" mode, that feels as though it will never end, I have never been more scared of the unknown, the change, and the details, but my desire and prayer is that I will walk in confidence knowing that I am clothed with "strength and dignity" and that I will smile, laugh, and rejoice at the days to come because I know the Lord is already ahead of me and knows every decision to be made and every detail of the next season of my life.

I have a challenge specifically for the ladies and for myself, if you have never read Proverbs 31, I challenge you to dig in, to pick it a part- piece by piece and to ask the Lord to reveal himself to you through this chapter. My prayer is that I daily will become more like the woman described in this chapter and that my heart will want the same things the Lord does.


  1. Such an amazing description and insight to words that I have read so many times, and though I have in the past been challenged by them, I love the thought of how she is able to "laugh at the days to come," why? because... God is already there and has the way prepared for her.
    Oh to live to that degree, trusting God in such a way ... that we can joyfully look to the unknown. Thank you for this challenge. God has so many things planned for you. Can't wait to watch it all unfold. You are a blessing to me.

  2. great blog. love this chapter and even when I feel like I cannot be what God wants me to be...I know His Grace is give me the tools and faith to be more like Him..God does prepare a way!

  3. Yes, Bethany! Yes and Amen to everything you wrote! You're exactly where God wants you to be . . . waiting, seeking, trusting . . . believing that God is the only dreamer and visionary you'll ever need. I'm proud of your accomplishments. But more proud of your heart.

  4. I so totally agree Bethany! I want my HEART to become a HOME for Christ. You and I have shared the anxiety thing together and I as I am waiting I am worshiping HIM trusting HIM for the perfect job for me, as HE knows me way better than I do. It is challenging to be in the waiting place but like Tebow said HE HOLDS MY FUTURE. (just as HE holds yours) You are truly on the right path and GOD knows your heart and HE will meet YOUR needs according to HIS RICHES in glory! Praise HIS HOLY Name for what HE has already done and is doing in your life and in your heart. It honestly is a privelege to be a small part of every step & sometimes every breath you take. I love you.


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