
Time for an Update

Thursday, September 13, 2012

It certainly has been awhile. 
My life that was somewhat slow, waiting for what was next is now in full speed, going 100 miles an hour it seems.
Not being in college/ that life style is still somewhat of an adjustment but I've made it to
the real world. 
I guess that's what they call it.

My life these days consists of scrubs, packed lunches and dinners, my nursing drug book, coffee (more coffee than I've ever had in my lifetime), naps, &  graduate homework.

I've waited awhile to see the letters RN beside my name and it's finally here.
It's somewhat surreal. This is my last week of orientation and my first day on the floor by myself is next Friday. It's been quite an adventure to say the least.
A bit overwhelming at times, and lots to learn but at the same time exciting to think I'm ready for the responsibility and ready to gain confidence in my skills as I continue learning and practicing what I was taught in school.

I have never been more thankful for my education at Trevecca/Belmont as I have been in the past month with both work and graduate school.
 So thankful that God lead me there.

School is slowly coming along. My first test and paper are in the next two weeks so after that it may be a different story. ha. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to continue on with school. 

I feel tired most of the time right now, but its all new and I'm trying to take life a day at a time. 

A little deeper.

In the last few weeks, the Lord's been doing several things in my heart. 
A few weeks ago a sermon was preached about comparing our lives to other.
Of course I'm guilty
who isn't?
Little did I realize what comparing myself to others does in my life & heart. 
The Holy Spirit quickly pointed out certain areas of my life where I have been comparing myself. 
It has made me bitter, resentful, and truly has made me miss everything that I have right in front of me to be thankful for.

While it's a daily struggle, I am trying to stop comparing myself to other people, with what they may have, how they do things, the places they are at in life etc. so that I can focus on what God is doing in my life and to be thankful for all He has given me and to trust in His timing for each thing ahead of me. 

In the midst of the chaos in my life right now, I this last week have really come to grips with the fact that if I am not completely immersed in all that God has for me, I will never be satisfied. 

My prayer for this week ahead is for peace in all the newness and strength to get through each day (prayers for my first day on the floor alone would be appreciated!) I am also praying for contentment for the place I find myself. I want to be thankful each day for all that I have been given. And finally my prayer is that I will not miss sight of the most important things in my life.

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