
Spring time :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

I cannot believe that I am 3 weeks away from being a SENIOR in college!!!! Although I have another year after this, time has flown by! This semester has flown by so fast. It's been awhile since I updated this so let's see. Spring break was great, it went by fast but it was nice to go home. We got a new puppy, her name is Izzy- she's super sweet but super bad right now...She goes to obedient school in oh 2 weeks, hopefully Mom can straighten her out :) she's sweet! I came back to school, worked hard for a few weeks, traveled home for Easter to sing in the production. What an awesome weekend! God is so good and cardboard testimonies that were done were incredible! I came back to school again, and continued traveling every weekend with PR, test after test, clinicals, and all the business with school, Matt came for a visit, and next thing you know TNT is here! It's been ridiculously busy but so much fun! The weather has been beautiful, park days have become a great part of my week and I am just living in this moment, realizing more and more everyday how fast time is going by and how precious these moments in my life are...The real world is slowly creeping up on me faster and faster, but God has been so good to me and I am so thankful for this season of my life!

A little deeper....
I love The Message translation of the Dad reads from it quite often, and I guess I am good with books and studying, but sometimes, reading things just what I need. I was online the other day, and this verse caught my attention.
"I am nothing and have nothing: make something of me." Psalm 40:17 (The Message)

I have been thinking about this verse all week. It speaks so much truth, and yet there is nothing complex about it. It is simple. I am nothing and have nothing. The more I began to think about that, the more I thought about myself. I know personally, I have changed so much in the last 3 years of my life...(even before that) but really...I feel like my Freshman year of college, I had no idea who I was, what I wanted, where I was going, and who God wanted me to be....I don't have it all figured out now, and I'm sure I never will, but it's incredible to see how God has placed each piece of the puzzle together, sometimes quickly and other times more slowly...but with each piece, there is such beauty and perfection. I deserve none of this, and I am often humbled by the opportunities that I have been given, the people that are in my life, and the support I have within my family. I truly am blessed, and I guess the thing that amazes me the most about all of it...I made such a mess of things in my life that were intended for things the Lord wanted to do through me, but because I lost sight of all that he needed to be in my life, I ended up in a hole so deep, I couldn't see the light.

"something that we do not deserve, but so desperately need." (My Dad)

If anything- God has granted me so much grace, forgiveness, and the strength to journey through find myself, my identity in Christ(not in sports, music, weight, materialistic things) and to make something out of my life to be used for his purpose. So when I read this verse, it caught my attention because that is exactly what the Lord is doing in my life right now. Not because I deserve it, but because he gives it freely. I take this for granted daily and sometimes it's nice to take time to reflect on the things that matter the most.

I am blessed beyond measure. I am a work in progress, but all the glory to Him who is doing abundantly more than I ever could think or imagine.....

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