If you were joining me on this sunny afternoon, you would be sitting with me in Books a Million sipping on sweet raspberry iced tea, drowning out the noise in the background of a child reading aloud, and the coffee machine grinding away.
Today, I wanted to just get away.
Something different than the ordinary for me the past few days.
I'm about an hour away from home. I made my way strolling up and down to some shops and enjoyed the quiet time. While it's extremely hot, I'm loving the sunshine and the sweet reminder that it's summertime. Andrew and I will be going out for a dinner date at one of our favorite places on the way home from his class, but in the mean time, I am using these few hours as a get away.
While I feel like my mind doesn't ever stop racing, the last 48 hours or so have been a few days where I've just taken some time to just enjoy doing 'nothing.' Last night I cooked dinner for my parents, and actually enjoyed the shopping, cooking, and cleaning up. While I don't usually sit down to watch much t.v, I've slowed down enough to just sit and relax. I'm itching to get to the beach, and that's on the agenda this week, but all that to say- in the midst of this 'waiting' time and wondering what's next, I have and will continue to soak in every minute of 'rest' that I can get.
The days continue to fly by and walking into Walmart the other day where school uniforms and school supplies were being put out was a quick reminder that I am going to be starting graduate school in just a few short weeks. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for this!
While I'm nervous about being somewhat behind the 8-ball because I have no experience in nursing yet, I am excited to have the opportunity to learn from others who have, and I look forward to the chances that I have ahead of me.
While I haven't gone into details about the job search, (mostly because I don't want to have to answer no all the time if nothing works out), but I interviewed last week at a Doctor's office. While this is not my 'ideal' first job for experience, the doctor seems full of knowledge and has quite a unique practice and I was intrigued when I had my interview. It went awesome! All of that to say, this Friday I was told to call back to see what the office manager (who I interviewed with) and the doctor decided would be the best thing for them at this time. A little nerve wracking on this end, as I know Friday I will know either way. While I had a great feeling when I was there, my prayer is that if this the door God wants me to walk through, that it will swing wide open. If for some reason Friday does not turn out to be a yes, as disappointing as it may be, I know that the Lord has the right job in store for me.
On a side note, I have loved having more time to blog and do what I love.
I hope this day finds you doing something you enjoy. Thanks for spending part of your day with me!
It all sounds so exciting. It is funny though how sometimes change is so good for us yet I personall am struggling with the simplest of changes lately. It literally stops me dead in my tracks?? Sadly enough I am struggling with two physical issues ugh. Pretty sure my life long theme song is Praise Him in the Storm. Haha. God is good and HE knows my heart. I will be a Nanny again starting Aug 22nd...for Jenny McClure. Another answer to prayer through that amazing loving family :). So proud of you friend!