
"In an ever changing world You never change"

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

As I have had some time to myself the last two days, I've had plenty of time to think.
Still waiting to see how the Lord opens doors for me with a job and continuing to trust in the unknown at this time in my life.
I've had some unexpected conversations in recent days and now more than ever I am thankful for God's grace, His constant pursuit in my life, and the way that He is ever changing me.

As I'm slowly but surely adjusting to the changes that have happened in the last month, it's crazy to think that nothing that was going on in my life 4 weeks ago as far as a routine etc. happens now. For someone who likes consistency in just about everything, this has at times felt like pulling teeth.

Tonight I had some time to get away. I went on a bike ride. What a beautiful night it was. 
I then got in the car and drove by myself for about 20 minutes.
As one of my new favorite songs was playing over and over, I began to think about the words and to really just think about all that God means to me right now.

I've appreciated it before, but I'm not sure I've ever thought of how thankful I am for
 a God that never changes. 

In this world, and in my daily life where everything has changed for me, 
I serve a God who is the same today as He was yesterday, and is going to be that for me tomorrow.
Each day in our lives are different. The world is changing so fast around us, the economy is different than it was years ago, relationships and people change and we often find ourselves wishing things were different, but with our Heavenly Father we never have to do this.

More than ever, tonight I wanted to share the power in that.
A love that never changes.
A God that never tires.
And a Father who gently pursues.
Who was in the past, through the hardest moments & in our greatest moments
And who promises to be there tomorrow no matter what's waiting for us.

"For I am the Lord, I do not change."
Malachi 3:6

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